Trans Minimum Labore, this week

principle Apr 05, 2017

A couple of weeks ago our Go There Group call focused on seasons in our marriages, and we backed into the theme of “individuation”.  The guys asked if I would post some thoughts on the topic, as fodder for our second round of conversation.  “Sure,” I said, envisioning the kind of quick, simple process that has been my norm for oh so long.

However, in this season of Trans Minimum Labore, the request turned out to be an unexpected but timely catalyst for a fresh new round of research, discovery, and reflection on my part.  I decided that, before I shared what I already think (yet once again, lol), I should finally do that round of research and further reflection that I have thought about doing for many, many years ….  Perhaps there is material “out there” that might push and expand (or challenge!) my thinking on this topic, and be useful for all of us on our journey toward ongoing personal growth and also, of course, marital bliss.

Surprise!  There was/is.  Tons.  I have been operating for years on the the strength of the input and influence of a key mentor from my late twenties/early thirties, who directed my attention to this issue and gave me a general sense about the process of individuation - which was good and helpful, as far as it went.  I have quoted him and drawn on that input for years (as some of you may recall).  But I have now stumbled into an embarrassment of (additional) riches, and realized there was more waiting, all along.

I have from time to time thought about (been prodded by the Holy Spirit towards?) learning more about “individuation”: tapping into what others in society at large have learned and have to say about it, how broadly it is recognized and/or agreed upon as a factor in human development; how it plays out at different stages in marriages and family systems; exploring the often-fruitful interface between “secular” thinking and Kingdom realities on the topic, etc etc.  But due to perennially thin margins and a sad lack of prioritizing such things, I just “never got around to it.”

So I’ve spent the last couple of days immersed in the work of seminal thinkers in the realms of psychology, philosophy, and even spiritual direction.  So much pinging taking place, so many dots connecting.  Pages and pages of notes, lots of content saved to Evernote, a long list of thought-kernels to develop further.  Startling links to some of my core-most material on the journey of transformation, and a surprisingly rich encounter with Carl Jung.  Who knew!


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